
Resilience: Best Garden Harvest Practices

Lovie and I just got in from picking beans and tomatoes in our backyard garden. We're pickling the beans and the tomatoes are going to their usual fates: grape tomatoes into our mouths by the handful and in salads, the medium-size tomatoes to salsas and the food dryer. I trust your gardening has been a tasty success so far. We had fun back in the spring with gardening topics. This time I'd like to talk about harvesting. Next week more on post-harvesting and so on. More below:

Resilience: What's Your Favourite Salad Greens To Grow?

Hello, my resilient friends. I'm late this year...even for Canada, with organizing our seed plantings. Our highly efficient seed organizing system - ahem, the cardboard box on top of a bookcase with a mess of seed packets - and I are spending the weekend together :=) So I thought we would have a bit of fun comparing notes on favourite salad greens. I'll let you know what our family is doing, and throw in some description from our seed provider and other resources. I would like to know what works for you with salad greens: seeds, planting, seedlings, anything that you find that works for you is welcome. More below.