Universal Health Care

Democrats Against Universal Health Care

The failure of Trumpcare might cause you to think that Democrats might use the chaos to push for single-payer health care.
You would be wrong.
It's past time to stop blaming Republicans for the fact that we are the only developed nation without universal health care. The problem is the Democrats.

Bernie to lead rally on Monday for Amendment #69:ColoradoCare

After a couple of appearances on the campaign trail in Colorado, including one with Elizabeth Warren in Denver on Sunday, Bernie will be on the University of Colorado campus in Boulder to rally the students, the 5,000 ColoradoCare volunteers, the faithful and the interested to bring universal health care to the state. This rally is just for ColoradoCare and nothing else.

Boulder Rally with Bernie Sanders for Colorado's Amendment 69
Monday, October 17

Farrand Field

My personal experience with health care

I started out with crisis level hypertension. (245/145 - "how did you make it to the ER alive?") Then I added diabetes. After years of trial and error, I have the BP under control, but I have to take 10 pills a day (7 different medications, some twice a day) Add in 2 pills (2 drugs) for the diabetes and 1 for cholesterol, that's 10 drugs, 13 pills a day. Cost? $0.00.

Universal Health Care on the Ballot in Colorado

For those of you interested one of the best policy positions of Sen. Sanders campaign, medicare-for-all, it is on the ballot in Colorado this election year. ColoradoCare, universal coverage in an enhanced medicare for all type system that covers everyone and enhances benefits. Health care as a constitutional right in America! Glory be! It may well get the thumbs up this fall for a 2019 launch date.