
Clinton Foundation

This is a huge dump on the Clinton Foundation, put together by some folks at 4chan. There are many links and many issues and people involved, so there is lots of reading material! Someone posted this last night at jackpineradicals. I don't know if any of it comes from the FBI leaker at 4chan, but a lot of those posts have been pretty accurate. At any rate, presented for your reading enjoyment!

Have you seen this post on SubReddit DNC WikiLeaks – Energy Pioneer Solutions?

When does political correctness become political blindness?

Please do not condemn or ignore the following link due to guilt by association thinking. That is a dangerous path to follow. Failing to acknowledge what others with different viewpoints have observed is willful blindness. The Republicans are guilty, by and large, of willful blindness to climate change--but not all of them--there are (gasp!) sane Republicans left. Consider the source is a wise caution but even more important--as Bernie has often said--consider the facts!

What next?

Bernie keeps battling for delegates in spite of Clinton's lead, winning many converts to a progressive view. Trump is riding a broad wave of discontent to the Republican nomination. The general election should break all records for nastiness. Whatever Bernie chooses to do this summer, he has earned my complete support and gratitude.

30 years of consistency, folks... HRC can't boast that.

UNLIKE HRCLINTON who lies, does 180s on issues, Sanders has been a new deal progressive for 30 years, folks. Consistent, no lies, truth, honesty and caritas.

Bernie Sanders added a new video: 30 Years of Speeches. Watch this amazing video that a talented volunteer put together showing 30 years of speeches.
