Open Thread - Thurs 19 Oct 2023 - Shrink and Skimp!
Submitted by Sima on Thu, 10/19/2023 - 5:00am
Shrink and Skimp!
I've been thinking about the economy recently. How it's not that good for the 'little' people, and how we small people have been really experiencing it, no matter what the officials and their numbers about the economy say (Here's an article from Big about this - Strikes and Bidenomics, it was republished as a shorter, but mostly the same, article on the Lever - The Missing Inflation Data). One of the things I've encountered a lot of is shrinkflation.
Shinkflation is something I think we've all seen (recent BBC article on it). The package of a product we want, say a breakfast cereal, gets smaller but the price stays the same. So we are actually paying more for the product, by weight or quantity measurement, but we supposedly don't 'see' that because the overall price is the same.
My favorite kind of ice cream... Now in a smaller package! Image from