
It takes a certain kind of privilege to not vote for Hillary

This is an argument we're going to hear for the next several weeks or few months as the general election campaign progresses. The implied (or sometimes explicitly stated; see LoF) privilege is that of a white male. Frequently "affluent" or some variation will also be included.

Anti-Capitalist Meetup: Not the Church! Not the State! Women Must Decide Their Fates! Redux ad nauseum ... by NY Brit Expat

"Last I checked, we don’t have a rubber shortage in America. Look, when I was in college, we had a machine in the bathroom, you put 50 cents in and voila.

I've figured it out!

See, Hillary Clinton's presidential bid is all about a woman's right not only to be President, but to be untrustworthy as well.

If throughout all these years you've been voting for male politicians who couldn't be trusted, what right do you have to say "no" to a woman who demands the same courtesy as all of the men who've been getting a free pass?

And who the hell gave you the right to be an informed voter, anyway?
