public policy

Cui Bono -- Public Policy vs Privatization

Cui Bono -- Who benefits?

Part political maxim, part contrarian canard.

The ACA... Who benefits?
People paying $5000 deductibles with hundreds of dollars per month for insurance? Perhaps.

Obama? I guess... I really don't see it, but OK. So what?

The Medical Industrial Complex? You betcha.

Social Security... Who Benefits?
The disabled, the orphaned, the widowed, the aged, anyone I've missed?

Good Public Policy is Probably a Very Bad Business Plan

Public Policy is not a business plan.

Public Policy is often at odds with the profit driven rigors and regiment of a business plan.

While talking to a friend on FB who hammered Bernie & Hillary for the "Free Shit" of college and medicine for all citizens and another who came in with the business plan trope to support it, it hit me.

I started with the question: