public facilities

Protecting their women

Rebecca J. Stones of Nankai University in China and Monash University in Australia has researched the public thoughts expressed by folks about transgender people using public facilities and can formally aver what many of us have already noticed: Men have a lot more problem with transfolk than do women.

Dr. Stones' dissertation was in the field of combinatorics, so she is stepping quite a bit away from that for this paper.

I am currently a postdoc with the College of Computer and Control Engineering at Nankai University, Tianjin, China. I am the recipient of a NSF China Research Fellowship for International Young Scientists for 2015/2016.

--Dr. Stones

Rebecca J. Stones, Which Gender is More Concerned About Transgender Women in Female Bathrooms?, Gender Issues (2016). DOI: 10.1007/s12147-016-9181-6