Open Thread - 11-08-24 - PTSD Nation
Submitted by JtC on Fri, 11/08/2024 - 7:58am
Well, it's over. For now.
What we witnessed in this 2024 election was a master class in voter manipulation. I often wonder how they do it. How they can produce an almost cult like following for two of the most flawed politicians in recent memory. How is it that so many voters can be lead by their noses to the voting booth in a fevered pitch of anxiety?
In my opinion it is done by instilling fear in the minds of the voters. Fear of the other, fear of what the opposition party may have in store if elected, fear of civil war, riots, detention camps. Fear, fear, fear. It was a constant barrage of fear, to make one yearn for a savior that will lead one to the electoral promised land.
Fear is the arrow, and the media is the bow. Those that benefit from our fear are the archers and our minds are the target.
If so, then why does fear work so well on so many people?