psyops & propaganda

Jeez, amy goodman; again with the White Helmets propaganda?

She’s good on some issues, but others…my stars.  H/t to Tony Cartalucci on Twitter (3-parts) for the heads-up.

 “Inside Syria’s Secret Prisons”: A Harrowing Account of How Assad’s Torture Machine Crushed Dissent’,, May 16, 2019 

OPCW Final Report on Douma Chemical Attack

Media organization coverage of the report varies, of course.

‘Chlorine ‘likely’ used in alleged Douma chemical attack, no nerve agent – OPCW‘s final report’,, March 1, 2019

“The chemical arms watchdog refrained from identifying the party responsible for the incident, despite earlier being granted such powers.

There are “reasonable grounds” to believe that “the use of a toxic chemical as a weapon [took] place on 7 April 2018,” the Fact-Finding Mission (FFM) of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) said.