They Hold the Pope Accountable in Ireland But Not in the U.S.
Submitted by Betty Clermont on Mon, 08/27/2018 - 5:22amIn both the sex abuse of children and persecution of LGBTQ persons, the Irish point their fingers in the right direction.
In both the sex abuse of children and persecution of LGBTQ persons, the Irish point their fingers in the right direction.
After the release of the Pennsylvania Grand Jury report revealing decades of clerical sex abuse and cover up, yesterday a Vatican spokesman declared, “Victims should know that the Pope is on their side. Those who have suffered are his priority, and the Church wants to listen to them to root out this tragic horror that destroys the lives of the innocent.” REALLY???
Just this past week, the U.S. media treated Pope Francis as the world’s leading “moral authority.” The New York Times even posted the pope’s declaration that the death penalty is “inadmissible” on its online front page for two days. Yet they, and the rest of the U.S. media, ignored what else happened the past month.
Some facts withheld by the mainstream U.S. media:
This is an interview that Robert Scheer (editor in chief of truthdig) conducted with film maker Wim Wenders covering his new documentary about Pope Francis.
Most are familiar with the Crusades and Spanish Inquisition. Fewer know about Pius XII's embrace of fascism, his cooperation with the CIA, John Paul II's alliance with Reagan in support of dictators, the political consequences of his appointment of right-wing bishops in the U.S. and Latin America - including Pope Francis - and the current pontiff's unknown history.
Because Pope Francis is willing to sacrifice the freedom of Chinese and Ukrainians for his own personal ambition, and his support and encouragement of right-wing governments to deny women and LGBTQ persons' human rights, we have ample reason for concern.
Pope Francis has a history of dishonesty and hypocrisy on the subject of clerical sex abuse. Survivors of sex abuse, and those who "normally" meet with them, know there are a number of actions the pope can take immediately to protect children, but he refuses to do so.
The UN Committee Against Torture “found that the widespread sexual violence within the Catholic Church amounted to torture and cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment” in May 2014.