
(Jimmy Dore tells the truth:) EPIC FAIL: Dem's Won't Admit DNC Cheated BERNIE!

He takes the corrupt 'New' Democratic Party to the mat and lays the election of Donald Trump right at their feet. But now the liars and cheats are coming out of the woodwork and out from under their rocks claiming that things are all better now. Jimmy Dore cuts to the heart of the matter. He came right out and said that Perez got picked by DNC donors and super-delegates, not the plebs. We need more Jimmy Dores.

Today's humor, 2/10/17 edition: moments of unintentional clarity

As the Titanic, carrying 330,000,000 passengers is slowly heading beneath the waves, it may be worthwhile to keep dancing while the band plays on. And since laughter, though rare these days, is better than crying, my prescription is for you to laugh. Dammit! Whether you like it or not, LAUGH!

So here its goes.