Open Casket 08/13/16
Submitted by hecate on Sat, 08/13/2016 - 2:43am
I don't feel like writing anything because I'm sad that Johnny feels the need to sell the place.
Many people over many years talked about building a place like this. But none of them did it. Until Johnny did. He built the site himself. With hundreds of hours of volunteer labor. For which he has never been reimbursed. You can read some about that here.
Now, today, as he says here, the donations that come in, they "are not even meeting minimum wage scale, not even close." The donations generally come in sporadically, as a result of fundraisers, which are sparked by other people on the site, not him, and, as he says here, "only a relatively small portion of the membership respond to the fundraisers, over and over, the same ones, and many quite generously. But it's not fair that just a few bear the burden of funding this site, especially when I know that eventually these folks will tire of donating." He further notes that "someone a couple of months ago did the math and figured out that if enough members signed up for a monthly installment plan at $5.00 per month that it would possibly generate enough funds. There was a fundraiser to get folks to do just that. We had about 10 people sign up for that plan." What is actually needed, he says, is "$4,000.00 a month or $50,000.00 per year to come even close to what I can knock down with my business."