Jesus, thank God we have Aaron

Bombing Syria ... overthrowing Assad...since 2006. Chemical Attacks of Syria on their own people. Just watch at TC 13:05 for the EU reaction part.

So, now I am a fan of conspiracy theorist?
Some writer here should pick this up or put it in the next EB.

I will erase this, if someone covers it appropriately. Thanks for your patience and understanding with me.

Read the Testimonies of Residents Living In or Near the Douma Apartment Building (Location 2) Where 3 Dozen Bodies Were Photographed Several Floors Below a Chlorine Canister

These testimonies were presented yesterday (July 12) at a press conference held by the Russian Embassy to the Netherlands.


They were presented in the form of English-language slides that you can read here:

Scott Ritter examines OPCW report on claimed Sarin attack at Khan Sheikhun and finds large discrepancies.

It turns out that both HRW and the OPCW relied on the purported 'NGO' called the White Helmets to provide samples, descriptions, photographs as well as witnesses to the event. Neither agency had their own investigative teams on the ground where the supposed attack actually occurred. Wholly depending on parties that have an invested interest in convicting the Syrian government goes against all norms of jurisprudence.

It is in this light that Scott Ritter looks at the claims being made of the purported Sarin bombing at Khan Sheikhun. What we discover is that the OPCW report rests almost entirely on evidence and testimony given by the White Helmets.