Resilience: A Comprehensive Mosquito Strategy For Your Garden
Submitted by Gerrit on Sat, 05/14/2016 - 8:21am
Heading into mid-May here in SE Ontario, we're starting to see the bugs come out. Including the $#@@$% Asian ladybug brought in by Quebec farmers for pest control. They quickly ate all the bugs, then all the native ladybugs, and now infest Quebec and SE Ontario, heading steadily west. The effing Asian ladybugs will probably meet the effing pine beetles chewing their way east from BC, somewhere in Saskatchewan. My money is on the ladybugs giving the pine beetle whatfor. Anyway, mosquitoes, don't get sidetracked, G!
Well, they'll arrive pretty soon too. I've collected a bunch of mosquito control ideas over the years and some may help you. All ideas free of charge with a money-back guarantee if'n they don't work. More below.