Open Thread - Thurs 11 Jul 2024 - Nothing Much
Submitted by Sima on Thu, 07/11/2024 - 5:00amNothing Much:
I've not got much for this open thread, so I'm posting a pic of one of my lovely goats, Poppy, and a video about amazing things dogs do. And opening the thread! Post whatever you want, whatever is up. And have some fun thinking about goats and dogs .
Poppy, Poppy:
She's got one of her sons still with us, Harold. She is a very, very smart goat, and learned to come get some milk from me when I was feeding her best friend, Lily, whose mother couldn't feed her. Poppy got the last of the bottle and loved it. She and Harold, her son, are very close even as she approaches 7.5 years old (faint).
Poppy, giving me the look that means she's ready to be milked!