
A few brief remarks

Hello there. I recently read some of the meta about what's been going on. One thing that caught my attention was the lamented absence of Hecate, Phoebe Loosinhouse, Dallasdoc and others people miss. I can't speak for them. No one person's reasons for writing or not writing on a blog are the same, even one with as generous a community as this one. But I can talk a little about the reasons for my own infrequent appearances here of late as compared to past years.

Standing Rock-My Observations

So I was watching a Standing Rock news TV program on CBC in Canada one night, and called a native buddy to get his take on it. He was appalled at what was happening, and knowing that I love Jackson Browne mentioned that he and Bonnie Raitt were playing at the event in support of the cause. Now, I was already planning on going to support the cause, but that cinched the deal.