
The language of war: It's OK when we do it

I realized the other day, while watching our media's coverage of the war in Ukraine, that no one has accused Ukrainian forces of using their civilians as "human shields". Remember human shields?
All of the nations the U.S. has ever bombed used their citizens as human shields. It wasn't our fault that our bombs were killing thousands upon thousands of innocent civilians. It was the devious machinations of our enemies.

Neologism of the week: naforésomáskaphobia

Noun: The irrational fear of wearing a face mask. This is especially prevalent among US males, many of whom express a concern that doing so will harm or even destroy their masculinity. This is particularly concerning as to the boomer population, wherein a great number of the males, in childhood, greatly enjoyed wearing masks, especially the quasi-domino style favored by the Lone Ranger.

The Most Consequential Debate In Human History

... at least you'd think so for all the heated discussion it has spawned.

Sigh. Once there was a dream of a site where a community of smart, kind and decent people gathered to organize and make change.

I've been reading through the various threads from Sunday this morning debating whether the word "bitch" should be verboten on this site. One side of the debate is adamant that its use is hurtful and sexist. The other side of the debate is adamant that it is their "right" to use it, regardless of whether it offends people.

Both sides expect the site moderation to side with them and enforce their rights.