
Bruce A. Dixon explains intersectionality

There's an excellent series on "intersectionality" in the Black Agenda Report. The invocation of "intersectionality," like Rachel Maddow's crusade against Russia and like the periodic calls to impeach Trump, is more evidence of a supposedly-thriving pseudo-left, in which victory is always depicted as a campaign or two away.

Anti-Capitalist Meetup: Gender/Race/Class/Age in the Democratic Primaries - Oh My! by Geminijen

When Bernie first decided to run for President as a democratic socialist, challenging the extreme income inequality that advanced capitalism has brought to our society, I was excited. His message was echoing the Occupy Wall Street movement’s slogan that 1% of the wealthy owned more than the other 99%. Bernie was going to bring the concept of class struggle between working people and the corporate elite back into the political conversation!