Medical Troglodytes, issue #1: HIV and homophobia

We live in an age of revisionism. The 4th amendment has been shredded by the so-called patriot act and 24/7 surveillance by NSA. The Republican Party, always conservative in the 20th and 21st centuries, is now retrogressive. Climate change is denied despite a ratio of medical citations of 33000:167 pro vs con. For those who like percentages, this is .051% con vs. 99.949% pro climate change.

AIDS Conference Interruptus

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The 2015 US Conference on AIDS was held September 10-13 in Washington, DC. On the opening day dozens of transgender and gender-nonconforming people seized the stage at the lunchtime plenary session to draw attention to HIV+ gender-variant people.

The group was chanting, We are not gay men! to protest the inclusion of trans women in gay male research and statistics.