Hillary Rodham Clinton

Another Essay on the Dilemmas of Lesser-Evil Voting

The list I created of Important dates in history for lesser-of-two-evils voters was meant largely as an effort to name the lesser evil as an evil consequence of lesser-of-two-evils voting. I've noted that all efforts to portray Hillary Rodham Clinton as a "lesser-of-two-evils" candidate fail to give a thorough examination of the evil of the candidate they're promoting.

HRC & Establishment Groupthink Are Consistently WRONG

Cross-posted from GoS.

Mainstream thinking, not just Republican thinking, is consistently wrong. Justification and support for the Iraq War? WRONG. Catastrophically wrong. Multi-generational even. Centennial even. An amazingly catastrophic mass lapse of establishment "reason" indeed.

On Democracy, Justice, HRC & Circular Firing Squads

Cross-posted from GOS.

Widely distributed income and wealth and the power and influence they confer within the public sphere are VITAL to democracy and justice. Real democracy and justice will not, cannot exist when income, wealth and power are highly concentrated.