Insurance news
Submitted by Robyn on Sat, 08/19/2017 - 2:13pmState regulators in California have penalized Health Net $200,000 for violating antidiscrimination laws by denying coverage for transgender people seeking gender reassignment surgery.
State regulators in California have penalized Health Net $200,000 for violating antidiscrimination laws by denying coverage for transgender people seeking gender reassignment surgery.
The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) report for Trump and the Republican's "American Health Care Act" has come out.
(Sorry if this isn't the right place for this; I'll take it down if it's not.) I hope someone here can help with this because I don't know what to do and I'm guessing most people here have already filed their 2015 tax returns. I looked online and none of the free tax prep help places around here do anything with the ACA stuff.
So, with the ACA and income tax returns for 2015 there's some new forms that people need to receive and fill out. This is my understanding of it so far: