green capitalism aglow

Scurrying Fascist Cockroaches

…is the title of a recent essay of John Steppling’s, and I contacted him at his website  ( to ask if given its length and breadth if I might use more of it than is strictly Fair Use as neither the Café nor c99% are for profit.  He wrote back and kindly said, “Use what you want from any of my writings”.  So I’ll most all of his Feb. 25 essay at DissidentVoice, although there’s a version at Counterpunch as well.
It may not be an easy read for those who are uncomfortable reading about the clay feet of the political heroes of the realm, nor for those who are blind to how Capital Rules the Realm.  You might want to consider this essay as a one-hour class you’ve decided to check out, and stay and hang on for the ride; he’s an excellent writer as well as playwright and director as well; he writes from Norway, not far from the Arctic Circle.

Now On with the Play!