grass roots socialism v. the capitalist hydra; zapatistas

the Zapatistas could use our help after their coffee harvest was burned: a PSA

From Roar magazine, September 23, 2020, ‘The Zapatistas need your solidarity after targeted attacks by government-linked paramilitaries destroyed much of this year’s coffee harvest’  (my bolds)

“On August 22, 2020, the ORCAO paramilitary organization looted and burned two Zapatista coffee warehouses in Cuxuljá, Chiapas. This is the latest in an accelerating series of attacks on the Zapatista project since the current administration of Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) took office.

AMLO ‘reaches out’ to the Zapatistas

Guess how well that’s  gonna work out…given who AMLO turned out to be. This is longish, but I hope you’ll enjoy reading about actual revolutionary socialists who dared to declare themselves independent of  the official government.   Most have managed to survive, and their example has spurred the formation of other indigenous autonomous zones in Mexico.  They are now under attack by AMLO’s government, and are ready to defend themselves.