Good Bye

A laudatio for JtC and Joe Shikspak

It is was with great sadness that I read about JtC's upcoming hiatus.

This site has helped me and I believe a lot of C99ers to understand the world around us. For that I wanted to express my sincerest gratitude.

I feel lost without both of you. May you both survive and recover and keep up your hope that one day we can live in a better world, with more justice and peace.

As I do not expect to hear back from you both, let me say that I will miss this site endlessly.

I think I am a reasonable person, therefore

I reason that it is not reasonable to reason about FUBAR conditions.

I try to say Good Bye. I hope JtC will be able to continue to offer a platform on which Joe Shikspack can post his Evening Blues and be open for all the others to write and post comments here.

My addiction to spend reading and commenting here is not worse than all of your addictions to do the same, you just did it so much better. But it eats on my life. So, it must be done, I have to leave.

There is a time for everything - This is the time to say Good Bye

I love you all and thank all of you for everything. I never will forget the EBers and us 99percenters. May be we will meet again somewhere over the rainbow. In peace and God willing.
Thank You, Joe and JtC. May the wind always be in your back, though I know it always blow in your face and both of you keep on going with a few good men and women. Bless you all.

Good Bye, Cruel World, I am leaving

just wanted to say good bye to you good folks and express my thanks for all the news analysis, news gathering, efforts to soothe our troubled minds with musical offerings and being generous and patient with whatever I have said here. You were extraordinary kind to me.

I hope you will succeed to throw the international oligarchy out and change the system. I have lost my hope and therefore it's time for me to go and shut up.