Fairfax County

Hate rears an ugly head

Last May, two months after Virginia Attorney General Mark R. Herring (D) issued an opinion saying they could, the Fairfax County School Board voted to approve protecting transgender students and staff.

The decision by the Fairfax County School Board to add ‘gender identity’ to our nondiscrimination policy is to provide an environment which promotes equality where every student and employee is treated with dignity and respect.

That's double-plus ungood according to conservative hate forces. So Andrea Lafferty, leader of the Traditional Values Coalition goaded a high school student into joining her in a lawsuit against the school board, arguing "that the county school board overstepped its bounds when it changed the policy to bar discrimination of students and staff based on their gender identity or sexual orientation. The suit asks for an injunction to stop the board from implementing the policy."

We have warned for months that such changes were not only jeopardizing our children but in direct contravention of long-standing Virginia statute.
