The Weekly Watch
Submitted by Lookout on Sun, 09/08/2024 - 6:34amEuropean Erosion and the Wasting Away of the Western World

The end of empire echoes across the western world. Political leaders across the spectrum are being rejected by the people, and yet retain power... from Van der Lying being reappointed to the unpopularity of Stammer, Macron, and Sholtz. Orban seems to be the only European leader supported by his own people, as the other EU countries try to sanction, punish, and even coup him. The US continues to lose international respect as they steal Maduro's airplane (after stealing Citco and the Venezeulan gold reserves in London) not to mention the theft of Russian assets. Most of the world understands the role of US in the ongoing Palestinian genocide. Meanwhile there's the distraction of the election. Now TPTB are rolling out Russiagate version 3.0 which Ray Mcgovern suggests is a way to prepare the citizenry for a war with Russia.