Declaration of Independence

He is at this time transporting large Armies of foreign Mercenaries to compleat the works of death

Among the most horrendous of crimes our government has committed against the people of Ukraine has been the funding, arming, and training of foreign mercenaries. Among the most evil of crimes committed by Zelensky against the people of Ukraine has been allowing our mercenaries to go unpunished for atrocities committed against his people.

"What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?"


4th of July. Fireworks. Hotdogs, parades, veterans, flags, songs, parties, illusions, delusions.

Go ahead and party Americans. You are the king of the world, the purveyors of righteousness and democracy. The "exceptional nation" gets to throw down it's hair and tell the world, "look at us! we're free! and you're NOT!!"

Six Simple Ideas to Strengthen Democracy in America

Ms. Liberty Bears Six Good Ideas

Fair and reliable elections, an informed citizenry, wide participation in governance -- these are cornerstones of democracy. But the recent election in the U.S.A. has pointed out serious cracks in those stones. Gerrymandered districts weakened voters of one party, and made races non-competitive. Recently-erected hurdles stopped many from voting. Big media focused on the horse race, and ignored policy issues. Persons trafficked in misleading and fake news on social media. And, in the end, demagogy and crackpottery carried the day. What follows are six simple ideas that can, I think, be easily implemented, and that might well go a long way toward fixing those cracks and strengthening our democracy.