the UK, Sweden, and US respond to Nils Melzer’s accusations of torture [curse-worthy Updates]
Submitted by wendy davis on Mon, 07/29/2019 - 11:47amUpdated in the comments with the Intercept's new hit on Julian Assange via 'the lying agitprop recent CNN report'.
(published under a different title by Oscar Grenfell at, July 29, 2019. I’ve received gracious permission from the site’s editor to use any and all of the site’s content w/ attribution; this is the simplest way to bring the news, although Wikileaks on Twitter has a lot of it piecemeal.)
“UN Special Rapporteur on Torture Nils Melzer last weekend publicly released detailed letters he sent to the governments of the United States, Britain, Sweden and Ecuador in May, documenting their responsibility for the “psychological torture” inflicted upon WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange as a result of a decade-long political persecution.
Melzer also posted the replies he received from the US and Swedish governments, bluntly dismissing his findings. His letters to Britain and Ecuador went unanswered.