Colin Kaepernick and Eric Reid are back in the news
Submitted by gjohnsit on Fri, 04/27/2018 - 5:59pmThe NFL may want to forget Colin Kaepernick exists, but Amnesty International is making that hard to do.
The NFL may want to forget Colin Kaepernick exists, but Amnesty International is making that hard to do.
An object lesson in the differing world views of large segments of society is offered in the responses to former San Francisco 49er quarterback Colin Kaepernick. Exercising considerable bravery, CK knelt during the playing of the national anthem at the beginning of a football game. He is intelligent and certainly was aware of the possible repercussions of this act, which, in fact, were realized.
So Colin Kaepernick refused to stand for the national anthem at the beginning of a pre-season game.
When he was asked why he explained that it was all about racism against black people in America, right?
That's what the FP diary at TOP said. That's how the news media in general spun it.
War is a Racket said General Smedley Butler. I'd amend that to say ALL War is a Racket. Some might argue there are exceptions, like WWII or maybe the Civil War, but no, in the end those wars were about power and wealth among the ruling clite. They would not have happened except at the whims of those at the very top. Butler told it like it is when he said he was nothing more than a "gangster for capitalism" during his highly decorated Marine career.