BRICS+ summit

The Weekly Watch

The Tit for Tat Trap

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The Israel/Iran war seems to operate in a tit for tat status. Israel blows up Iran's Damascus embassy, Iran floods Israel with old drones and missiles (probably to map their defenses). Israel murders the primary Hamas negotiator in Tehran the day Iran inaugurated its new president, Iran targets and hits Israeli military facilities. In response Israel mounts an aerial attack on Iran's air defense system. So now we're waiting for the response. Is there no way out of this tit for tat trap?

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The Weekly Watch


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Regenerative agriculture is a common topic in this column, but I've been thinking this week that it might refer to other things which are being regenerated. For example, perhaps the BRICS+ summit this week in Kazan is regenerating the world order and economy? Is there even a chance we could regenerate the nature of the US and use the Constitution as our guide? Maybe we should go even farther and totally re-invent the US...perhaps involving more direct democracy. A republic like ours is easily corrupted/purchased as we can clearly see. We certainly need to regenerate our health system, in part through regenerative agriculture providing nutrient rich foods. So let's dive in and regenerate some of our assumptions.

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