Gee. All the "Smart Ones" with HRC

Let's see.

The Drumph goes to LA to the flood.

HRC and BHO, first no, second a week later post golf and daughter smoking weed.

The Drumph accepts the invitation of the Mexican President to come talk. He does. HRC? Nope.

Umm, I thought all the brains and $$$ were with HRC? Derp, polls shifting. Erp negatives between the tweeners now equal.

What the heck is going on?

Big Pharma--like Clinton--has neither shame nor guilt

One of the selling points to us hopeful 2008 dupes was that that the ACA (now better known as A Crappy Arrangement) would increase the number of people covered. This indeed happened. But BooHoO signed away the power which he briefly held, to regulate insurance companies in the most effective manner (Public option) in order to appease the Dreaded Republicans (DRs), who at that time were the minority party in both Chambers.