#bernieorbust #politicalrevolution #occupydnc

Pardon my French but, "F*%K TWITTER!!!!" If they are indeed pulling this shit again!

Didn't they already get called out for such shenanigans?

Twitter users erupt: #DNCLeaks disappears from trending news as WikiLeaks emails released

The timing on this couldn't be better IMO... (Which not to toot my own horn but a couple weeks ago when people were asking why Wikileaks wasn't already releasing stuff my response boiled down to "timing")

Why Bernie can't stop now. This isn't a friggin game!

It's because of "us" that Bernie keeps fighting. He gets booed by his own peers when he speaks of "the battle of ideas".

And, he is accused of a "total display of self-obsession." It is quite the opposite. The very reason that Bernie continues to fight for "us" is at the very core of his message all along: it's about the people, not the 'game' of winning and losing.