Awan Brothers

Democrats and Awan Gang, suitable company for each other--now the finger points both ways

I was asking myself: "self, what is a day without sunshine like?" Answer: a day without an Awan story. There's gonna be plenty of sunshine now.

Okay, then I asked myself: "self, what is a day without news?" Answer: a day without a story of political corruption.

So, now this is going to be beautiful day. You want Awans? We got 'em. You want corrupt congress critters? You are in luck, we got a whole lot of them.

Trump's once in a lifetime opportunity to destroy the Democrats for all time.

Consider the still-evolving story of sedition and treason in addition to the banal but harmful corruption of our political system underlying the Awan Brothers thievery of material (computer stuff) but more importantly information, much of it classified or higher security. The story for those unaware has been told dozens if not hundreds of times in the alternate media, of which we are members.

Prologue: DWS, DNC and the intersection of two colliding investigations.

This is only a prologue because I wish to set the stage without encumbering you with a torrent of links, which I have already. The situation is complex and becoming more complex daily--in fact almost hourly. It is becoming extremely difficult to keep up and I am afraid that I am not. But here goes.

Debbie Wassermann Schultz, the Awan brothers, and body on the beach

Yes, all in the Sunshine State where the sun usually shines and the truth is seldom told. Indeed, Florida is the place to be right now, providing you're not DWS, Awan inc., Judge Zloch, Jared or Liz Beck, or various Federal prosecutors. Wow, the story is mind-boggling. Fortunately, I have spent many years in various Florida swamps and will help you to understand this Tower of Hanoi Florida story.