the awakening

More and more people are becoming aware of how screwed the 99% are with no help

to be expected from anyone on the political horizon, no matter the party.

In a constitutionally and systemically created “two party country”, we have allowed the one time “party of the people” to devolve into a co-conspirator that would have us all as slave labor feeding the wealthy, a country where those that have nothing to contribute to the wealth of the few are left to perish as useless eaters. A country where bloody empire for the profit of of an out of control military industry and a thriving new mercenary industry are gorged on the blood of those that are no threat to us in any military sense. A modern form of feudalism that is developing before our eyes, becoming further entrenched, and will destroy our children’s lives and livelihoods (our own as well of course but it is the children I feel will inherit the worst of it) no matter which party is in control, many feel one party is more in favor of such dystopian achievements than the other, yet I find they simply play off each other, taking turns, each party doing what it does best to achieve this neo-feudalism.