anti-transgender hate

A Republican thing, not a southern thing

It's easy to come to the conclusion that attacking transgender people is a "southern thing," but that's not true. It's a Republican thing...a Daddy Party thing.

In real life situations, transgender kids most often find more support from their mothers than they do from their fathers. Fathers tend to have real problems with gender concepts.

In Warwick Rhode Island, transgender girl at Pilgrim High School who has been attacked on social media by a former Republican candidate for mayor because the school administration is allowing her to use facilities which accord with her gender identity.

Anti-trans jiggery pokery in Washington

Since the repeal of Human Rights Commission rules covering transgender people's use of sex-segregated facilities failed by a 24-25 vole in Washington's Republican-controlled Senate earlier this month a man named Joseph Backholm has launched a group called Just Want Privacy with the purpose of filing an initiative to force transgender people out of public facilities.

The takeaway line on its webpage is

Stand with us as we stand to protect women and children from this dangerous rule.