
"re Homing", adoption, and fragile children's lives in the US.

This is an Australian documentary about the US.

There is a horrible world out there for children who get thrown into this barbaric system.

Experiences when one is a child leave a huge imprint on peoples later lives.

Children are unable to live independently so they are dependent on adults and often exploited. How did this world get like this?

Interesting(?) Factoid

Yesterday a commenter tried to lay the creation of transgender identity at the feet of "a loving mommy" who encourages a little boy to play with make-up, nail polish, and cross-dressing while "disparaging male boding activities with a daddy she resents."

This ticked me way the Hell off. Not only does it completely ignore the existence of trans males, it has absolutely no scientific foundation.

Doctors at Boston Children's Hospital combed through their patient records and discovered that 8.2% of the young people treated at the clinic between 2007 and 2015 were being raised by adoptive families. This compares to a rate for the general public of 2.3%.


Yesterday was the start of the Stanley Cup Finals. It was also the day, 3 years ago, we lost our Shinobi (Shi-No-Be) to very old age. I shared about our loss and I shared about what a good girl Shinobi was. I hadn't been able to do that in so long, mostly because we had been inundated with so many other deaths. 10 in 8 years. So we are healing. Yesterday was healing.

And I wanted to test out my home here on CC99%. I feel like a bit of a rescue pup here myself.