Open Thread - Thurs 18 Jan 2024 - How do we help?
Submitted by Sima on Thu, 01/18/2024 - 5:00am
How do we help?
Eric Johnson has been a local Seattle reporter for a long time. A few days ago, he published a story about a young woman named Lexi. The story is called: called 'Who killed Lexi Evanson? A woman's life lost too soon to Seattle's drug crisis'.
Johnson had known Lexi for all her short, 35 year old life. She was part of his extended family, danced at his wedding when she was a cute little girl. She had a pretty tough life and became addicted to heroin. She had two loves in her life since then - her dog, Lucy (which was stolen from her) and heroin (she switched to fentanyl after a while because it's cheaper). She died of acute meningitis which she got from an ear infection which spread to her brain. She was found dead, upside down with her head near the brake pedal of a stolen car in December.
Lexi and her dog Lucy a few years ago: from the article above.