Open Thread - 07-26-24 - Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds
Submitted by JtC on Fri, 07/26/2024 - 7:07am
I started high school in 1968, a tumultuous year of change, both for the country and myself. For the first time I was exposed to long hair freaky people, mostly from the upper grades. I was also exposed to different alternative political viewpoints and alternative life styles than those from grade school and junior high. It didn't take long, by my sophomore year I had tuned in and turned on.
I can freely admit that my friends and I experimented with drugs, mostly pot and LSD (acid). Acid was hit or miss where I lived, you never really knew what you were getting until you tried it. We very rarely got the good stuff like owsley, what we got was usually in pill form which meant it was cut with substances like speed. That made the trip very unpredictable. It could be very enjoyable or a really bad trip with everything in between. I never had a bad trip but I witnessed them. I saw friends have breaks with reality and one that never came back. I did, though, have a couple of trips where all I could do was sit in a chair and hold onto the arms as firm as I could until I came down. It was that intense.
I see the current political situation much like that. Hold on tight.

Attribution: Pxhere