Featured Editorials

8/19 Open Thread - World Humanitarian Day


So here's the story - World Humanitraian Day requires that I have some sort of relevant picture, so I went off in search of public domain pics relating to "humanitarian" . I got the above, a special military force chock full of SeaBees that is intended to be air lifted in to provide humanitarian aid when and where needed. The photo is them practicing, I guess, doing exactly that, U.S. style. It does fit the pattern, I suppose.

A brand-new American shit-show in Haiti

Haiti hasn't had a real government in several years. So the United States (with our allies and proxies through CARICOM) decided to install an unelected Transitional Council to usher in a new election. To enforce their authority the U.S. bribed Kenya to send a 2,500 man police force there.

The Weekly Watch

We Have Met the Terrorists
and They Are US!

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After 9/11 we declared a war on terror which became a war OF terror as we destroyed nation after nation. Today we are supporting genocide and starvation as we continue to conduct coups around the world. Last week it was Bangladesh because we want their island in the Bay of Bengal for a military base. In Venezuela we refuse to recognize the President and pretend the president is the puppet of our choosing. We use NGO's like NED to foment trouble and destabilize any non-compliant country by paying protesters in Bangladesh, Hong Kong, Georgia, and of course in Ukraine. These foreign interventions have boomeranged back to the US with violence and murder in our communities. Our Dogma caught our Karma, and now we are paying the price.


Album of the Week 8-17-24

Afternoon folks!

This week we've got a live (double) early 70's album from James Cotton, followed by a live album from Hound Dog Taylor - some serious high-energy Chicago blues for you guys. After that, it's The Kinks, with a compilation of singles from their early classic blues rock period. Then there's some New Orleans r&b from Cookie & The Cupcakes and an album from Little Feat. We finish off in the diversity department with a prog-rock band from Japan called The Sadistic Mika Band.

Enjoy the tunes and have a great weekend!

Saturday Open Thread - 8/17/24 - Road Trip

Good morning, friends!

We traveled a couple of weeks ago to Illinois, a state that feels almost foreign to a Texan!

This is our first trip anywhere that we saw no stray cats at the hotels. However, at a time when I had no camera, 6 raccoons in a straight line passed by the back door of the hotel on their way to the corn field that abutted the hotel parking lot. Corn fields everywhere!

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Friday Night Photos Meditation Garden Edition

Happy Friday everyone. I hope everybody is doing well. Post any photos, memes, or music you like.

This month's camera club outing was at the Self-realization Fellowship Meditation Garden in Encinitas. Located on a bluff overlooking the Pacific ocean, the garden has a wide variety of trees and plants, Koi ponds and plenty of benches where you can sit and relax (or meditate if that's your thing) and enjoy the garden and the view of the ocean.


