spitballing here . . .
Submitted by pfiore8 on Thu, 06/02/2016 - 6:03am
You know, I'm wondering if Hillary's campaign is in trouble and of course the establishment would know it... then why keep hammering Sanders to drop out? If they need a PLAN B?
Well maybe the Plan B is this: get Bernie to concede before the convention and when the FBI serves an indictment up to Clinton, they'll trot in Biden. Their logic: if sanders concedes, he's a loser, he's lost... but Biden is fresh snow.
Just a thought for the day.

All well and good. Sanders is no dummy.
I am sure he sees that setup. Many of us have heard rumors, trial balloons of such a plan. If the DNC tried to pull that, the Party could be officially dissolved. Take your money and go home.
Even asleep citizens can taste that, I hope.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
A commenter at naked capitalism put it very well the other day: They (TPTB) can't fix their Clinton problem until they've fixed their Sanders problem.
I think that's why there's all this pressure to get Sanders to drop out, and all the stonewalling and 5th-amendment-taking from Clinton and her lackeys. If they can just make it to the (fixed) convention, they think, then Sanders and his supporters will mean nothing, and then they can do whatever they want. Lotsa luck with that, ha ha!
Joe Biden = Hubert Humphrey? Good luck with *that*, indeed. n/t
The Democrats have to be the dumbest people on earth
Fixing the Clinton problem is easy if the Democratic party would look at Sanders as an opportunity to save the party and the election. Otherwise, no matter what happens (whether it is a very wounded Clinton or some other corporate substitute parachuted in), the Democratic party is dead. All down ticket candidates should be incensed at the party leaders for allowing this to fester on and jeopardize their chances too. The mud flung by the Republicans at Clinton will hit them too.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
I have an old friend who is in insider in my state's politics.
I'm a West Virginian. We were solid labor and a (real) Democratic state for years. The Dems held both our Senate and House for 78 consecutive years. The Rethugs had been chipping away, but finally the Dems lost the WV House 2 years ago and the Senate this past year when a Dem switched parties. It's been devastating. Right To Work, in. Prevailing wage, out. Unchartered territory for us. (Hell, West Virginia even went for Dukakis in 1988).
There's been a big push to get our Senate back, it could be done. There are still plenty of solid Dem/progressive voters here. My friend assures me that it can't be done with Hillary at the top of the ticket. Yesterday he said to me "H.D., how would you like to be running this year when your party's nominee lost every single county in the West Virginia presidential primary last month?" Three weeks ago Bernie beat Hillary in all 55 counties here in West Virginia. I'm not saying that Bernie could beat Trump, but man, oh man, he would help the ticket. She drags it down.
"Just call me Hillbilly Dem(exit)."
-H/T to Wavey Davey
The super delegates in WVa need to get a copy of yr comment
Looks like a couple are supporting Bernie!! But more need to get the message.
Excellent point.
I can see them doing that. I have been wondering with all this new information if the media would quit hammering on Sanders to drop out. They haven't. In fact, I think, after reading only the headlines for he last couple of days, that it has escalated.
Meanwhile, if they believe that HRC will get away with the whole laundry list of evidence piling up against her, they need to protect their investment. Hence, we see the arguments about harming her chances against the Republicans (those big, scary other people). I recently figured out a response for that: Protecting HRC is sexist.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
I think your theory is sound.
No matter what, the DNC wants anyone but Sanders.
There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. This...is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams
Underestimating Bernie
will only result in their own demise. He knows things we don't know. I trust him, implicitly. This is why the hrc crowd is getting more and more hysterical.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Biden: Pure as the driven slush
(Thanks Mae West)
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
Biden is *yellow* snow
and any fool knows not to eat that!
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
I love that quote
and have used it many times in self-refrence, but it is actually Tallulah Bankhead who quipped that one.
Mae West said, "I used to be Snow White, but I drifted."
The people, united, will never be defeated.
I think it's about the Convention
I'm not sure anyone really knows when the FBI's recommendation will reach the AG's office, but when Comey said he'd like to complete it all before the Convention, I think he meant it. If I know one thing about Hillary, it's that she and her advisers are 100% convinced that no matter what happens, she should be president. Absent a "come-to-Jesus" moment with party leaders and a criminal indictment, she'll use every lever of power she has to push her way through to the Convention.
As for the vast majority of the party, even if they don't buy the Clinton spin, they assume there's no mechanism to challenge Hillary, so they will support rallying around her as fast as possible. There's only a handful of politicians in the party that could possibly say anything critical about Hillary right now, and they are all in the White House. Everyone else will keep their head down, stay quiet, and hope someone else fixes the problem. There's probably nothing in politics worse than being on the wrong side of the Clintons after a scandal.
The beauty of modern man is not in the persons but in the
Disastrous rhythm, the heavy and mobile masses, the dance of the
Dream-led masses down the dark mountain.
- Robinson Jeffers, Rearmament
That's exactly what they'd like to see happen
which is why it's not gonna.
But yeah, the logic is sound. Except you forgot to mention the part where Biden would lose just like Hillary would
With Elizbeth Warren as veep /eom
There is talk of a Biden/Warren ticket, not so fast
For all you motherfucker DNC Neo Liberal assholes Clinton and your dream of domination is dead, she just hasn't fallen down yet, it is coming.
BTW - If you think you are going to con Warren into puffing up a bullshit ticket to take away the Nomination from Bernie, surprise you still don't understand Warren because you so rarely come in contact with people of ethics, she would never accept the VP slot unless it was Bernie offering.
Biden is fresh snow-
with a big "H" written in it in urine. Not particularly impressed...
The bad news: the DNA test proved it was Joe's urine.
The worse news is that the "H" was proven to be in Debbie Wasserman Schultz's handwriting.
"Just call me Hillbilly Dem(exit)."
-H/T to Wavey Davey
If we can convince NJ and CA of that
by calling every single voter in the state, for example, then the problem solves itself.
Ignore the propaganda and stay with Bernie!
Remember Hillary's side has a whole journalistic team, Correct the Record. If they can infiltrate the media with their propaganda that it is all over and Bernie is dropping out, how many voters will lose their conviction to vote for Bernie in the upcoming states? The more they keep repeating this, the more undecided voters will second guess themselves.
Clinton circular logic could go something like this: if I become the nominee, then I won't get indicted. And I'm going to be the nominee because I will not get indicted. So the more her campaign can suppress the voter turnout for Bernie (through gas lighting mind games, voter machine hacking, etc), the more she'll win before the nomination. And if she's the nominee, there's no way she'd be sent to jail.
Bernie is out every day in the hot sun fighting for the people of America. He is WORKING very hard for us; don't you think he'll work that hard for us once he's in the White House?
Hillary doesn't seem to be putting as much effort into campaigning, though truthfully I don't follow her news letters to know but any pictures on the internet are small (and infrequent?) rallies compared to Bernie's. And my skeptical mind says she wants the Presidency for what it can do for her, not for what she can do for us. When the Clinton Foundation accepted all their cash, was there a stipulation that she could not drop out of the race, because she had to make good on promises to them to try her hardest to get elected? And my even more skeptical mind says that Bill being in charge of the "economic growth" is really just code for him being kept close to the money that might still come in as "donations" from those who'll benefit from White House approved "economic growth".
Hillary is not morally fit to be President!!