Here's a tasty little tid bit about Latinos and voting.........
I found this while foraging around online today. Thought it was quite interesting!
With any luck it might even help out in Cali for 2016!! If not, I should think (hope) it will really set the Dem Party back on it's heels by 2020. I don't think any party can realistically expect to win a national election without the Latino vote, men/women, African Americans, LGBT people, people who aren't corrupt, people who want fairness and integrity in government, Independents, etc, etc..... Many of these demographics are no longer of interest to the Dem Party, and those demographics are finally starting to get that message. It shouldn't be too much longer before the Dem Party gets their own little message from those demographics telling them if they want our vote then they better bloody well start representing us!!
What are your thoughts?
A much neglected
story about HRC is just how bad she is at building coalitions. This was apparent way before this election cycle. Her numbers always start high then fall off as a campaign progresses. She has never balanced her desire to win voters/groups with her need to completely and utterly destroy anyone who initially opposes her.
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire