Possible motive for murder: Nemtsov said to have helped the US with sanction list

Good Morning, I thought I share with you my translation of an article in "Der Spiegel". I don't know though if these are old news for you. At least it's good to know, imo. I shorten this a bit and just put up excerpts to not get accused of violating any kind of fair use rules or whatever.

Mögliches Mordmotiv: Nemzow soll USA bei Sanktionsliste geholfen haben

Possible motive for murder: Nemtsov said to have helped the US with the sanctions list

According to the Kremlin the murder of Boris Nemtsov has reportedly an Islamist background. But there is another possible motive: According to a newspaper report Nemtsov has supported the US to draft sanctions lists against Moscow.

Moscow - Was Boris Nemtsov killed because he supported the Americans? Three weeks after the murder of the Russian opposition member the official version has lead more and more questions. As the "Frankfurter Allgemeine Sunday newspaper" ("FAS") reports, there is evidence that Nemtsov connection to the US could be a motive for the murder. The paper refers to unspecified connections within security circles.

After the annexation of the Crimea in the last year of the prominent Putin opponent has helped to write list of sanctions for the US against Russia's leading politicians and businessmen. In that list close friends and companions of President Vladimir

On the list the name of Sergei Naryshkin was found. The Chairman of the Russian Parliament traveled on a secret mission to the Crimea to seek out the future governor of the peninsula ... Naryshkin called later the "reunification of the Crimea with Russia," called "one of the most important historical events of the century".

Russian opposition activists doubt for some time in the representation of the authorities that there is an Islamist background for the assassination. A few days after the murder of Nemtsov, investigators had arrested several men from Chechnya. However, these reject the allegations. The main suspect Zaur D. retracted his confession now, he admits to have an alibi for the time of the crime. Previously, it was revealed that D. had apparently been tortured in detention. A member of the Commission on Human Rights of the Kremlin, which visited him, reported "numerous violations".

The opposition politician Vladimir Milov told the radio station Swoboda after the murder of Nemtsov that President Putin and his environment would have gotten bigger problems than expected due to the sanctions. "Since a long time they made Nemtsov personally responsible for ensuring that the sanctions have been imposed in such a hard way," Milov said. The Kremlin was angered by the lobbying activities of Nemtsov.

... Nemtsov he helped with a second list, the Magnitsky list of 2012, according to the report of the "FAS". The list was adopted in 2009 after the agonizing death of Russian lawyer Sergei Magnitsky in a Moscow prison. The lawyer had worked for the US firm Firestone Duncan in Moscow and advised the investment fund Hermitage Capital Management. He had been arrested for fraud allegations.

Last year Nemtsov, said to have been financially supported by the American investor George Soros, visited conservative US senators, including John McCain and Ron Johnson. He handed over to them 13 names that should be added to the Magnitsky list.

In summary: Three weeks after the murder of the Russian opposition Boris Nemtsov question were raised about the official explanations about Nemtsov's murder. Now there is evidence of a different motive: Nemtsov helped the US According to a newspaper report after the Crimean annexation in 2014 and the painful death of Sergei Magnitsky Russian lawyerin 2009 to create sanctions list against Russia.

Enjoy a digital-free weekend.

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Glenn Greenwald in a recent speech said that when they were in Hong Kong with Edward Snowden, they only for instant thought about what change would happen.

They knew that they were against the most powerful factions in the world and all they could do was to expose what was going on. Pressure on them had to come from somewhere else.

Russia under Putin is an authoritarian regime and as we see other countries who for a while looked like promising examples of good governance, I feel fortunate to have lived most of my life in a county that had good government. Now that the corporate coup d'etat is complete, the rhetoric to protect the status quo, and the systems in place to protect the powerful, are clearer every day.

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Anything is possible.

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