German MEP, Christine Anderson: The so-called "pandemic" was a beta test—conducted by unelected globalists—to see how easy it would be to seize totalitarian control, under the pretext of a global "emergency".
"You cannot comply your way out of tyranny."
- Christine Anderson
German MEP, Christine Anderson: The so-called "pandemic" was a beta test—conducted by unelected globalists—to see how easy it would be to seize totalitarian control, under the pretext of a global "emergency".
One thing that came out of the Rona jabs scam was how not only parents, but many doctors are now looking at the childhood vaccines and they are now recommending that people do research into whether they are effective or harmful.
Lots of hard evidence in this article shows how dangerous they can be. Before big pharma got total immunity from their vaccines they were going bankrupt because of all the lawsuits against them. When congress was considering giving them immunity they admitted that vaccines were not safe nor could they make them safe. And yet congress went ahead and gave them immunity and never told us that they were not safe. And whola the lawsuits dried up.
People love to call Kennedy an anti vaxxer, but he has given his kids the childhood vaccines. He is just asking for big pharma to show their trials that they determined that vaccines were safe and effective and for them to use real placebo in their trials. They don’t. They use other vaccines that have been determined safe and effective even though there is no evidence of either.
Dr. Paul Thomas did a decades long study on the kids who had gotten lots of vaccines against kids who hadn’t had any and it showed that the unvaxxed kids were much more healthy. He was persecuted for years and finally gave up practicing medicine.
I’m not suggesting one way or another. I just think that there is a lot of information missing in the vaccine schedule. Kids now days are getting 72 vaccines by the time they are 18.
10 users have voted.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Definitely a must read. I learned that after one person might have been infected with the Rona the governor declared a state of emergency and proceeded to shut down the state. As I mentioned earlier the big businesses were allowed to stay open, but small businesses that sold the same things were closed. The virus apparently didn’t spread at places like Walmart as long as people stayed 6 feet away from others and they wore masks. But if the small businesses stayed open all the people would absolutely get infected…
The actual headline:
Hospital Caught Stockpiling Dead Bodies BEFORE Covid? A Story You HAVEN'T HEARD
It works the same way in various other locations.
9 users have voted.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
April 10, 2020: Inspectors attempt another look-over of the hospital and were again turned away by Beaumont, this time the denial was because they didn’t have a warrant.
Sometime before April 15, 2020: A whistleblower reported that Beaumont is illegally storing dozens of dead bodies in a warehouse located on it’s property. At this point in the story, it’s a total mindf*ck for you and I because, up until now, we were both cheering for the hospital because CEO Fox gave the middle finger to the governments “cases” game, right? But now we don’t know what to think.
April 16, 2020: THE BUST. After the investigators were turned away a second time, they were like, “F*ck around and find out”. They came back, this time with the sheriffs department. Through later documentation we would discover that, when the hospital did finally allow the inspectors to come on the property, they refused to let them into the warehouse, but, they eventually had to open the doors… and this is where the police counted 50 dead bodies. Bro, I have so many questions right now, but what plagues my mind the most is, why they were holding onto these dead bodies almost a month after closing? Not to mention that three weeks prior they said they were closing because there’s no Covid-business. But this story is far from over.
The hospital closed down even though the government built a 250 bed facility because they thought that hospitals would be overwhelmed. Also know that when the media told us that hospitals were running out of beds it was because other hospitals were closed and just a few were the only ones that were accepting Rona patients. How many medical workers laid off due to this? The hospital in this story laid off or fired 2,500 people.
As for all the freezer trucks on the streets of NYC that we were told were full of people who died from the Rona guess what? They were full of people who died from everything and they were filled because morgues, funeral homes and cemeteries were closed down! The psyop played on us was stunning when you look back at it.
Definitely a must read. I learned that after one person might have been infected with the Rona the governor declared a state of emergency and proceeded to shut down the state. As I mentioned earlier the big businesses were allowed to stay open, but small businesses that sold the same things were closed. The virus apparently didn’t spread at places like Walmart as long as people stayed 6 feet away from others and they wore masks. But if the small businesses stayed open all the people would absolutely get infected…
The actual headline:
Hospital Caught Stockpiling Dead Bodies BEFORE Covid? A Story You HAVEN'T HEARD
It works the same way in various other locations.
7 users have voted.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
federal agencies like the CDC, NHH, and FDA as championing health and safety
measures. As we come to find out, their bread is buttered by pharma, political
and insurance interests.
7 users have voted.
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
This video is a masterpiece and documents the people who have been complicit in crimes against humanıty.
All these journalists, scientists, and politicians belong on the defendants’ bench, because their behavior has caused harm to millions.
This video is a masterpiece and documents the people who have been complicit in crimes against humanıty.
All these journalists, scientists, and politicians belong on the defendants’ bench, because their behavior has caused harm to millions.
I know that lots of countries have been looking into excess deaths and a few other things, and they just can’t find that anything was done wrongly…..well I’m sure that happens when those who created the problem look into it themselves. 22 babies died one month in Sweden! Switzerland? Somewhere, but gee they couldn’t find what caused them to die. It’s a mystery ain’t it?
I just read where a few hospitals are going to do a study on how dangerous it is to give babies up to 5 years old a mRNA shot and a childhood vaccine together. They will study the effects for a very short time and then if all looks good they will release the results. If not I’m betting that we will never see it.
Hey remember when Pfizer was supposed to release their report on myocarditis at the end of December and then they got it extended to the end of June? Have you seen that report yet? Bueller?
It was an unlikely collaboration, and it began in an unlikely place, but the partnership that Katalin Kariko and Dr. Drew Weissman formed in the 1990s at the University of Pennsylvania has now led to a shared Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine.
Kariko and Weissman were awarded the Nobel for their work in tweaking the genetic material mRNA to make it more amenable to working in vaccines. Their discovery led to the first approved mRNA vaccines, targeting the COVID-19 virus, in 2020. And that success is seeding mRNA-based strategies across a number of different conditions, including other infectious diseases as well as cancer.
That faith was finally borne out when two mRNA-based vaccines, including one made by BioNTech and Pfizer and another by U.S. biotech Moderna, became the first to be authorized and approved to treat SARS-CoV-2, and remain the foundation for the pandemic response. Kariko’s conviction was finally justified—more than two decades later—that mRNA would make an efficient, and potentially more powerful platform for treating disease.
Thomas had an extensive practice, in which he was providing informed consent about childhood vaccination but received complaints that he was departing from federal guidelines.
Asked to defend his position, he hired someone to analyze data from his practice - over ten years and 4000+ children whom he had seen from birth. About 700 kids were unvaccinated, the rest had varying numbers and timing of vaccination.
The analysis clearly showed the the unvaxxed kids had better health outcomes. Upon Thomas' release of the information, State Medical Board responded by revoking his medical license...
Dr. Paul Thomas Shows Powerful Data on the Overall Health of Vaxxed vs Unvaxxed Children
“The data spoke for itself. Over 10.5 years the more vaccines you had, the worse you were. So whether we looked at infection, ADD/ADHD, neurodevelopment issues, eczema, allergies…[it]…
The administrators will trade you your working license for keeping a secret about
inconvenient facts. Obviously this doc has integrity. How many in the profession
just went along with the dictate to stay in business? Guess more than half.
for vaccine manufacturers...
Case of Dr. Paul Thomas.
Thomas had an extensive practice, in which he was providing informed consent about childhood vaccination but received complaints that he was departing from federal guidelines.
Asked to defend his position, he hired someone to analyze data from his practice - over ten years and 4000+ children whom he had seen from birth. About 700 kids were unvaccinated, the rest had varying numbers and timing of vaccination.
The analysis clearly showed the the unvaxxed kids had better health outcomes. Upon Thomas' release of the information, State Medical Board responded by revoking his medical license...
Dr. Paul Thomas Shows Powerful Data on the Overall Health of Vaxxed vs Unvaxxed Children
“The data spoke for itself. Over 10.5 years the more vaccines you had, the worse you were. So whether we looked at infection, ADD/ADHD, neurodevelopment issues, eczema, allergies…[it]…
The article is a great read that I hope people will take the time to read it. His study should have gotten lots of attention but of course the media didn’t cover it. His study and how healthy the Amish are should close the book on whether kids get anything from being highly jabbed except for more illnesses and disorders. And food allergies!
for vaccine manufacturers...
Case of Dr. Paul Thomas.
Thomas had an extensive practice, in which he was providing informed consent about childhood vaccination but received complaints that he was departing from federal guidelines.
Asked to defend his position, he hired someone to analyze data from his practice - over ten years and 4000+ children whom he had seen from birth. About 700 kids were unvaccinated, the rest had varying numbers and timing of vaccination.
The analysis clearly showed the the unvaxxed kids had better health outcomes. Upon Thomas' release of the information, State Medical Board responded by revoking his medical license...
Dr. Paul Thomas Shows Powerful Data on the Overall Health of Vaxxed vs Unvaxxed Children
“The data spoke for itself. Over 10.5 years the more vaccines you had, the worse you were. So whether we looked at infection, ADD/ADHD, neurodevelopment issues, eczema, allergies…[it]…
We have been warned
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
Christine Anderson
My hero. Heroine. Whichever...
More from her:
"You cannot comply your way out of tyranny."
- Christine Anderson
Well, it was marketed as a public health initiative
and we know how marketing is based on fantasy (and money).
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Russell examines how the CDC lied about the vaccine
being considered safe for pregnant woman
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
Supporting article on the jabs given to babies
One thing that came out of the Rona jabs scam was how not only parents, but many doctors are now looking at the childhood vaccines and they are now recommending that people do research into whether they are effective or harmful.
Murderous Medical Doctors: How Pediatricians Kill Babies with Multiple Vaccines in One Office Visit
Lots of hard evidence in this article shows how dangerous they can be. Before big pharma got total immunity from their vaccines they were going bankrupt because of all the lawsuits against them. When congress was considering giving them immunity they admitted that vaccines were not safe nor could they make them safe. And yet congress went ahead and gave them immunity and never told us that they were not safe. And whola the lawsuits dried up.
People love to call Kennedy an anti vaxxer, but he has given his kids the childhood vaccines. He is just asking for big pharma to show their trials that they determined that vaccines were safe and effective and for them to use real placebo in their trials. They don’t. They use other vaccines that have been determined safe and effective even though there is no evidence of either.
Dr. Paul Thomas did a decades long study on the kids who had gotten lots of vaccines against kids who hadn’t had any and it showed that the unvaxxed kids were much more healthy. He was persecuted for years and finally gave up practicing medicine.
I’m not suggesting one way or another. I just think that there is a lot of information missing in the vaccine schedule. Kids now days are getting 72 vaccines by the time they are 18.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Absolutely brilliant essay on
The silliness of the Rona scam as it happened in Michigan.
Definitely a must read. I learned that after one person might have been infected with the Rona the governor declared a state of emergency and proceeded to shut down the state. As I mentioned earlier the big businesses were allowed to stay open, but small businesses that sold the same things were closed. The virus apparently didn’t spread at places like Walmart as long as people stayed 6 feet away from others and they wore masks. But if the small businesses stayed open all the people would absolutely get infected…
The actual headline:
Hospital Caught Stockpiling Dead Bodies BEFORE Covid? A Story You HAVEN'T HEARD
It works the same way in various other locations.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Seriously you have to read it
The hospital closed down even though the government built a 250 bed facility because they thought that hospitals would be overwhelmed. Also know that when the media told us that hospitals were running out of beds it was because other hospitals were closed and just a few were the only ones that were accepting Rona patients. How many medical workers laid off due to this? The hospital in this story laid off or fired 2,500 people.
As for all the freezer trucks on the streets of NYC that we were told were full of people who died from the Rona guess what? They were full of people who died from everything and they were filled because morgues, funeral homes and cemeteries were closed down! The psyop played on us was stunning when you look back at it.
Wowzer were ever lied to on this scale before?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Unfortunately, the public has been lead to confuse
federal agencies like the CDC, NHH, and FDA as championing health and safety
measures. As we come to find out, their bread is buttered by pharma, political
and insurance interests.
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
A blast from the past
No one is safe…
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Simply brilliant but no one is interested....sigh
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
I’m not sure that I understand the message in the tweet
I know that lots of countries have been looking into excess deaths and a few other things, and they just can’t find that anything was done wrongly…..well I’m sure that happens when those who created the problem look into it themselves. 22 babies died one month in Sweden! Switzerland? Somewhere, but gee they couldn’t find what caused them to die. It’s a mystery ain’t it?
I just read where a few hospitals are going to do a study on how dangerous it is to give babies up to 5 years old a mRNA shot and a childhood vaccine together. They will study the effects for a very short time and then if all looks good they will release the results. If not I’m betting that we will never see it.
Hey remember when Pfizer was supposed to release their report on myocarditis at the end of December and then they got it extended to the end of June? Have you seen that report yet? Bueller?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Get a load of this! The prize ain't what it used to be.
Oregon - State Medical Board runs interference
for vaccine manufacturers...
Case of Dr. Paul Thomas.
Thomas had an extensive practice, in which he was providing informed consent about childhood vaccination but received complaints that he was departing from federal guidelines.
Asked to defend his position, he hired someone to analyze data from his practice - over ten years and 4000+ children whom he had seen from birth. About 700 kids were unvaccinated, the rest had varying numbers and timing of vaccination.
The analysis clearly showed the the unvaxxed kids had better health outcomes. Upon Thomas' release of the information, State Medical Board responded by revoking his medical license...
Book on the Thomas case:
It is a trade secret
The administrators will trade you your working license for keeping a secret about
inconvenient facts. Obviously this doc has integrity. How many in the profession
just went along with the dictate to stay in business? Guess more than half.
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Thanks for highlighting Dr. Paul
The article is a great read that I hope people will take the time to read it. His study should have gotten lots of attention but of course the media didn’t cover it. His study and how healthy the Amish are should close the book on whether kids get anything from being highly jabbed except for more illnesses and disorders. And food allergies!
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.