I need a place to rant..

I quite watching TV news in 2002 in the lead up to the Iraq war.

I did not realize how bad TV news was until I accidently saw a link to a 60 Minutes episode discussing the effects of the earthquake on northwest Syria. I knew beforehand it was going to be a propaganda hit piece, but I didn't know how bad.

Some background before you view the piece:

- The earthquake did not just effect northwest Syria (Idlib), but Aleppo, Hamah, and a large section of Turkey.
- Ha'it Tahrir Ash Sham, HTS, a descendent of Al Qaeda and supported by our dear friends in Qatar control Idlib. They refused aid coming into the area. Especially from the Kurdish controlled region going into 'Afrin
- Most of the US latest strikes on ISIS and Al Qaeda leaders have been in this region.
- US sanctions have played a heavy role on why medical equipment and medicine are in short supply in Syria.
- Israel actually bombed the runway of Aleppo airport, slowing aid flights.
- Most important of all: Syrian, Turkish, Iranian and Russian defense ministers are meeting in Moscow on Tuesday, 25 April, to discuss terms of Turkey leaving Syria. This would deny the likes of HTS the defense they needed when attacking Syrian troops.

So. Given all this, what does 60 minutes produce? Lots of pictures of poor kids, doctors and one-sided attacks on Syria and Russia. The empire's enclave in Syria must be saved. Otherwise Charles Lister will lose lots of money.


15 users have voted.


QMS's picture

This is a good place as any to share your 'rant'. Many here have braved
these type of vociferations. And some will actually respond in kind.
HTC sounds like a CIA operative. The shame of bombing (Israel) a
devastated country, and the maneuvers of the US military / state Dept.
to prevent humanity assistance does not bode well for diplomatic success.
It is no wonder these nations see Russia and China as friends.
We seem to make only chaos.

Syrian, Turkish, Iranian and Russian defense ministers are meeting in Moscow on Tuesday, 25 April, to discuss terms of Turkey leaving Syria.

This could be another important turning point.

8 users have voted.

Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

earthling1's picture

is watching Russia and China build infrastructure, relationships, and a superior military force, while the US destroys all of the same, and creates chaos and division everywhere it goes.
I don't think TPTB can muscle their way out of this one.
It's not hard to see where this will end. Stock up.

9 users have voted.

Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.