Dr. Strangelove versus Failsafe

Dr. Strangelove versus Failsafe

In 1964, within two years of the Cuban Missile Crisis, two Hollywood movies were released telling the same story of “accidental” thermonuclear war. Two of the truly great movie talents of all time created Failsafe, director Sydney Lumet and movie star, Henry Fonda as the President of the United States. Produced as a traditional thriller about a technological glitch that mistakenly sent an Air Force plane into the Soviet Union to blow up Moscow, Fonda spends the movie in a bomb shelter far below the White House along with his translator, who later grew up to be J. R. Ewing on Dallas.

Fonda’s President was the perfect embodiment of what we, the audience, want in a national leader. All he cares about for the entire movie is stopping nuclear war before it goes to its only logical conclusion. With movie star gravitas, he talks on the “hotline” with the head guy of the Soviet Union convincing him, first, that the attack was accidental, and, second, that the two of them had an obligation to their respective populations -- and to all the rest of the world – to end the insanity of nuclear weapons.

It ends with a gut wrenching solution that I will not spoil. Lumet and Fonda deserve consideration as one of the greatest films of all time – except that it was released the same season as Dr. Strangelove or How I Learned How to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb. Instead of Lumet as Director and Fonda as President providing straight ahead drama and pathos, this surreal comedy offered the explosive craziness of Stanley Kubrick as director and Peter Sellers as POTUS. To add insult to Hollywood injury, Sellers also played the science guru and Nazi holdover, Strangelove. (And Group Captain Mandrake of the RAF, to add yet another layer of fuck you to Lumet and Fonda.)

It was no contest. Kubrick’s take on nuclear war as farce resonates with audiences to this day. I saw it again recently on Turner Classic Movies, and it is scarier today than it was 60 years ago. At the time, it looked like comedy and it was funny as hell, which took the sting out of the horror of the end of all life that does not hide for a hundred years at the bottom of a mine shaft.

This week the “news” has been even more insane than the Covid Crap Fest of the last two years as “our” media provide a breathless account of the struggle over Ukraine. The US Government has hoked up the silliest rationale ever – sillier than, “We’re fighting them there, so that we don’t have to fight them here,” or “We are stopping the spread of communism in Vietnam.” The current rationale is that “Putin” wants to expand the borders of Russia – because he is that way.

The only coherent response to the idea that Putin wants to swallow up Ukraine, is SO FUCKING WHAT? It happens to be nonsense, too. But that is beside the point. Now the US is fucking with Russia for no comprehensible reason – but if you disagree, you better get your money out of the bank while you still can.

Too many internet voices assume that there is no connection between the lies about vaccine mandates and the lies about Russia. Both are just about money in this take – Big Pharma makes it off the vaccine lies; Big Arms Merchants make it off of stupid wars.

I think this separation of issues is just like the Blue and Red divide, keeping unity beyond the reach of the world’s population. There is something else going on that requires the abolition of Individuality and National Sovereignty. Both must be obliterated to get to whatever Brave New World our betters have dreamed up for us.

So long as the confused masses of the world assume that they live in a Failsafe world, where things can go wrong by accident, creating room for heroic leadership from somebody like Hank Fonda, no one will challenge the evil at its source. People need to realize that Dr. Strangelove provides the key to understanding the psychopathic mentality of people who presume to rule the world.

The current implementation of State Totalitarianism in Canada IS the goal. For people who already run the whole fucking world to stage a revolution to make themselves EVEN MORE omnipotent is proof of insanity.

The next step for our rulers is A Clockwork Orange and the Ludovico technique for improving the population by making criminals puke all day. Better living through chemistry . . . .

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usefewersyllables's picture

is that after all of those high-energy nuclear detonations are done with, most of the gold will have absorbed enough fast neutrons to have become 198Au, so that it'll be too radioactive for any survivors to play with for a few weeks. Pity. That was one of the ways they did the forensic work at the SL-1 accident in Idaho Falls: checking the amount of 198Au in one of the men's wedding ring confirmed that the reactor had indeed gone prompt critical, immediately prior to nailing the wearer to the roof of the containment vessel with a control rod shield plug...

The upside of that is that 198Au decays via gamma/beta emission (411 KeV gamma, so no slouch there- 137Cs is only good for 611KeV!) into 198Hg, after a half-life of 2.697 days. So hey, they'll turn a bunch of their gold into mercury after it decays. Alchemy in reverse!

Ya gotta love it, or something. And yes, I'm being facetious. We laugh to keep from crying.

7 users have voted.

Twice bitten, permanently shy.

QMS's picture

And lying to make money is worse.
Rates right down there with stealing in the name of god.
Or maybe the same. Money is these psycho's god.
Time for a major karmic adjustment.

3 users have voted.

truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

Lookout's picture

Add in 1984 and Fahrenheit 451 (at least the books, the movies were okay at best)

The genetic engineering of Brave New World may be next, its drugs and entertainment addiction have already arrived.

Who would have thought Canada would lead the way to draconian authoritarianism?

Look for the stupid US response to our Trucker convoy due in DC next Monday. Bet we'll show the Canadians how to do violence. Hope I'm wrong.

Glad I'm toward the end of the ride.

6 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

I know what you mean……

Glad I'm toward the end of the ride.

Our children will be among those living their next 50 years or so (if they’re lucky) experiencing the consequences of our poor stewardship of the planet. I feel both partly responsible and completely powerless to protect them from the difficult future that will now very likely ensue.

Working on forgiveness toward myself and others I have found Joy Harjo’s Poet Warrior: A Memoir a powerful and compelling read. Fearless truth and love, we can not have too much of!

5 users have voted.

“ …and when we destroy nature, we diminish our capacity to sense the divine,and understand who God is, and what our own potential is and duties are as human beings.- RFK jr. 8/26/2024

Lookout's picture


on the read!

6 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”