Biden and the "H1B cap" - Danger, Warning. Likely Worst Treaty for jobs, EVER!
Most Americans have no idea why they are still employed, besides the fact that they do their jobs and get paid. This may come as news to you but 26 years ago the US agreed to let an unlimited number of foreign temporary workers (however the word temporary was not defined.) into qualified firms which are generally Jobs done by firms in most of the largest "services" sectors in the United States. And all of those fields are heavily unionized. These temping changes will kill those unions. If the unions get in the way, its possible that we the US because we signed the treeaty would have to make sure that they can come in and replace these unions.
You can read a CRS report on India's WTO case against us here.
Please write BIDEN and ask that he not eliminate the H1B cap. And that he end the H1B program and L1 and other nonimmigrant work visas. Because they are being used to undermine US workers and they are going to lead to a loss of social security and that is simply an intolerable situations for US workers. Be aware that they have been planning this huge global shift since the 1980s. In my opinion their intent is to kill the fundamental things that enable the existence of the US middle class. Public education is under attack. Anything public can only be given to the destitute, after they have been shorn of any and all assets. If you hide assets or income you will likely go to jail. Because otherwise everybody would claim eligibility, you see!
That's been their goal all along, TRADE IS A PRETEXT, this has nothing to do with trade as most people see it. They are setting up something much like modern slavery, where people cant change jobs or negotiate better terms as their skills improve.
How many jobs could Americans lose? In a pamphlet pubished by the ILO, statements by Hamied Mahmoud of the WTO Services department, its stated that the intent of the WTO with GATS is to use the GATS to mobilize hundreds of millions of jobs in the developed countries, saving, they claim trillions of dollars on wages. They call this "efficiency gains" and this kind of calculation is how they justify claiming that losses of millions of jobs are gains to our economy. Gains they may be but they would go to billionaires and the losses would be the only things shared by Americans. The thing driving increased profits would be the reduction of wages to global norms, which are being lowered by this campaign. By lowering the "market price" of labor they are making peioples labor worth less, and making it so to stay alive people have to take on second or third jobs, or foirce others to work more for the same amont. And many of these foreign services firms are clearly bad employers to work for. Their workplaces are ones where few women occupy positions of any kind, let alone ones of responsibility. Sexual harassment is not uncommon, These temping firms are often brought in to replace entire departments, by having the outgoing employees train their own replacements.
The jobs that are not subject to these restructurings are the ones the foreign temp firms dont want. The low skill jobs. Meat priocessing, retail sales, gardening, warehouse jobs. But eventually, these jobs will be oputsourced, i fact, the largest profits are expected to be coming when this is done because of the large numbers of such jobs. The conclusion is that sinve the wage differential is so high there is almost no job that shouldnt be outsourced. Certainly there are few which cant be.
Its all about money? What jobs will be left? Nobody knows. Several years ago, an economist Alan Blinder inn his paper "How Many US jobs can be outsourced, conservatiovely estimated that 26% of our jobs could be outsourced. But, he wrote the whole paper without mentioning GATS or TISA at all, and so he made a mistake, he left out quasi public jobs, completely. A big mistake as one can see from the GATS text that the definition of what can be public is very narrow indeed, public jobs will not be exempted.
Also, once areas are disinvested in, they cant be restored to public sector without huge concessions to foreign countries that are the equivalent in terms of jobs to the ones "taken back" These services deals lock in and its quite twisted what they are doing and how they are doing it. It will be the worst treaty ever. Once we signed the law enabling the Marrakesh treaty enabling the WTO treaty, (On December 8, 1994) we really were trapped in a big mess. We from therefore owed a huge debt ion jobs to the foreign countries and their oligarchs. In jobs.
So Alan Blinders paper estimated we could lose 26% of our jobs. Shortly afterward, a repolication study was done to verify the conclusions. It made the same mistake of leaving out the jobs likely to be impacted by GATS and TISA. Still the second Harvard replication study found we could lose more than 40% of our jobs, Possibly over a very short time. And at the sme time, GATS would be tyding the hands of government, forbidding the creation of any new public services or benefits, and quite possibly ending Social Security and Medicare because it frames them as unfair discrimination against foreign firms which are expected to come in and offer low value services to low value (poor) custiomers. If any subsidies are involved they must be the most minimal possible and make extensive use f foreign firms. They cannot be of such a quality that they would serve as a replacement for current commercial products, particularly when it comes to financial services like insurance. And a bidding process mucy be involved and binding one which will have the effect of employing foreign firms and workers in the subsidized businesses. Does this also apply to schools? Currently, primary education in the US has a carve out as long as we dont make extensive use of for profit schools, but we ould lose that. Clearly so many jobs are involved that foreign countries which hope to employ their restless, recently educated youth in large numbers to forestall civic unrest dont want to give up the primary education sector's jobs. They are having riots over jobs. Young people are demanding the jobs they were promised. Also the US Gambling case from several years ago is informative. It shows us that we can inadvertantly "commit" sectors invisibly, without intending to! Read it. We were sued by Antigua and Barbuda over restricting the supply of online gambling services, we lost. simply by not carving them out beforehand. This is an ideological war where our public position is in fact that everything should be privatized, as far as I can tell. Even education, even water.. If you are not comfortable with anything not being privatized, maybe you have children and cant afford to put them through private school like the parents of college bound students must do in India? Or maybe you hope to collect Social Security and or medicare. Speak up now.
Now listen closely..
We have been brought before the WTO in a case we may lose. We may even already have lost, I suspect that may be the case, it would explain a lot thats happened over the last two years.
Its dragged on for five years now. Since 2016. Thats the longest ever for a WTO case. The reason its taken so long is that they are trying to figure out how to do this despite the entire country having been lied to.
This is also why we cant have public healthcare or "medicare for all" All of that has already been committed to be globalized. Its the bait, so to speak. US jobs and patients are bait.
Ive been trying to explain the GATS for months here, but it seems people here in the US are, bluntly, brainwashed, by such shameless lying we just dont get it. We have been brainwashed so well that nobody here really understands whats being done. Your brains just cant handle it. You want to believe what you've been told so much. YOu dont want to face these facts, because it means that everybody's lives become so much more difficult.
This is human nature. Its quite similar to the way Jewish people in Europe acted during the Holocaust, they simply did not want to believe the reports that were brought back to Jewish communities in Eastern Europe about what the Nazis were doing. So they remained where they were and decided whatever they decided, and as we didn't end up well for them.
I am not trying to imply that we face a genocide. Especially not wealthy people. Please understand that the huge corporations have decided among themselves how this all is supposed to work. and devoted decades to a huge treaty - and that the treaty subsumes democracy. well actually at least five treaties that together globalize all kinds of work and once they take effect, lock in.. They can only deregulate. What do I mean by deregulate. Say getting rid of minimum wages, which are a trade barrier. Conveniently, these changes target every law that makes working conditions here better than other countries.
The only jobs and areas that are not covered by this are private. Also, only a few areas can be public. Areas where there is no commercial activity are ones. Like in Canada, all healthcare is free and its illegal to sell health insurance for people, also their healthcare system was created before the WTO and its rules were. So it was grandfathered. However we the United States joined the WTO in 1995 and that decided permanently that healthcare and hundreds of other sectors, all services, defined very broadly is under the jurisdication of the GATS and possibly, the TISA. Everything is covered by default, unless a country has opted it out.
How can European EU members still have public utilities? They have a special "crve out" or set aside for Public utilities in the EU. As long as they remain in the EU they will be able to have public services that are completely noncommercial. Other countries like the UK and US which are WTO members have basically decided way back in the 1990s to be countries where services were conducted entirely on a commercial basis. Its made so difficult to reverse its almost irreversible, intentionally made so expensive as to be impossibly costly to reverse. when it occurs in a service sector thats been committed in the GATS. Which is most of the important ones. Dont underestimate this, this is a very big thing and its a core part of our strategy to "open up" the world to corporate hegemony. Our system was set on this path in the 90s and it is intended to lock in our flavor of hyperglobalization
Thats what deregulation is part of. Another word for it is "progressive liberalization" That phrase denotes the one way sreet that the US created by creating the WTO and its GATS rules. Is its intent really Getting rid of the gains of the last two centuries? It seems so to me. What about public jobs?
Well, the jobs that are the core government itself are unlikely to be subject to GATS privatization. The people who make up the three branches of government itself. Presidents, Congress, Senators and their staffs. Their jobs are really the only ones that will clearly not be subjected to this. And other civil servants are unlikely to soon, however, nobody can say as far as the future, as the issue is a contentious one and other countries firms are eager to compete for that business.
Even in areas like the military and nationalsecurity which until last year were fairly certain to be exempt from these treaties.
Other government jobs are not safe. They are the jobs that are first in this process. Those are the jobs controlled by governments and so they are the ones most subject to these treaties. What jobs are most emphatically endangered? The core jobs that anchor many American communities. Teachers, nurses, doctors, administrators in quasi-governmental entities and organizations. UnCTAD has produced a short course in GATS Dispute settlement that summarizes the scope of these commitments. As you will see they are very wide.
They are the jobs most likely to be subject to treaties. Also jobs which are paid for by tax money.
These are areas like teaching, nursing, IT, construction and dozens of others. There are a very few things standing between US and an absolutely huge loss of working Americans jobs. One of the most important is the H1B cap. There is a virtually unlimited number of L visas available to companies for intra corporate transfer. We cant limit it with quotas because that's what GATS rules say. We had a chance to negotiate better terms in the early 1990s, but nobody said anything. It seems to me that they are pushing for the most disruptive kinds of effects, consistent with a fairly pessimistic view of their intent. They are at the very least not what they say they are.
The FACT IS THEY ALREADY DECIDED TO DO THIS. And it was a huge GLOBAL process. Pretty much one of the major events of the last 30 years. But here in the US we've been deprived of the knowledge to understand this. Intentionally. Deal with that, we've all been shamelessly misled..
Now we are being inundated with a PR campaign to give them an excuse to decide to eliminate all limits on it. Since its under GATS, if they do that they can never put it back! TISA is even worse because it defaults to EVERYTHING being covered, all service sector and all modes of supply. Look up the four modes of supply under GATS.
This may mean the end of the US middle class. In order to make the world of work more efficient. People here just expect too much and earn too much they say. After they do that, foreign companies, located in the least regulated countries will become the biggest US employers fairly rapidly. They will rush in to staff and manage all these newly privatized entities. will rush in to the US with their workers, and it wont be long before they get to pay those workers what they pay at home, (and provide housing in dorms and food, its likely) Also those workers are unlikely to keep paying in to Social Security. (because their wages are not very high) Its unfair to take all that money out since they may only be here for five or six years. So this change will kill Social Security. Please understand that this is supposed to be a welfare program for the richest oligarchs in the world. the rich people who own these foreign based temp staffing companies.
The future of work is now supposed to be this new kind of global temping. Americans may have to go to other countries to remain in the fields they are in now, in many kinds of jobs.. Because that will be where the jobs go. They may have to in essence give up rights to work, these contries are countries where worker standards of all kinds are very low. These countries are big service exporters. Many of the laws the US labor movement struggled for over these past centuries are nonexistent there. This shift is intentional. The intent is to prop up many countries with authoritarian bargains. Prop up despotic foreign governments with large numbers of young degreed workers, and very low wages. Take advantage of that huge labor force willing to work for so little. So they set up this new amoral system that frames every corporation as equal, its kind of a parody of the US civil rights movements changes which its basically replacing.