The ACA: A Gift That Keeps on Giving - Still
The Affordable Health Act is a Rube Goldberg contraption that keeps on giving. The Democrats missed a once in a generation opportunity to correct some of the problems associated with the administration of our health care system. They were tone deaf to public outcries for a single payer system and ignored suggestions that people be allowed to buy into Medicare. The final product was a complicated kludge with high co-pays, high deductibles and high premiums. To add insult to injury the enrollment process was a nightmare.
A year ago I predicted that there would be a public backlash starting in late March when people did their taxes, or got them back from their preparer. The subsidies have complicated individual taxes by incredible proportions. Well, the s**t is about to hit the fan. It turns out there’s a good chance the 1095-A you received, which must be included in your 1040 if you received a subsidy, is incorrect.
Yes, HHS screwed up something else.
About 800,000 taxpayers who enrolled in insurance policies through received erroneous tax information from the government and were urged on Friday to hold off on filing tax returns until the error could be corrected.
If you’ve already filed your return you’ll need to amend it if the government sent you erroneous information.
Millions of consumers received subsidies, in the form of tax credits, to help them pay premiums for coverage purchased through federal and state insurance exchanges last year. The credits were based, in part, on the consumers’ projected income for 2014 and the cost of a “benchmark plan.” Mr. Slavitt said the government had discovered that the benchmark premiums were incorrectly reported on forms sent to 800,000 taxpayers, about one-fifth of all the forms mailed out by the federal government.
This is what happens when bubble-bound bureaucrats who have no idea about the every day problems people face make decisions.
heh, obama wanted to be the democrats' reagan...
what he failed to mention was that he intended to prove reagan right about government being the problem rather than a means for the people to create a solution.
He's been more like Grover Cleveland
Cleveland was, arguably, the most conservative Democratic president since the Civil War. Which makes sense, since he held office during the country's first Gilded Age.