adds page addressing transgender issues
The Department of Health and Human Services has added a new page to directly addressing issues facing transgender people accessing health care coverage under the Affordable Care Act (ACA).
The page outlines important procedures involved in identification and the updating thereof, and explains that health plans must provide coverage for sex-specific preventive services (eg. mammograms, pap smears) regardless of sex assigned at birth, gender identity or recorded gender.
The page also warns applicants about possible plan exclusions and how to search for them.
Many health plans are still using exclusions such as “services related to sex change” or “sex reassignment surgery” to deny coverage to transgender people for certain health care services. Coverage varies by state.
Before you enroll in a plan, you should always look at the complete terms of coverage that are included in the “Evidence of Coverage,” “Certificate of Coverage,” or contract of insurance. This contains the full explanation of which procedures and services are covered or excluded under each plan. Plans might use different language to describe these kinds of exclusions. Look for language like “All procedures related to being transgender are not covered.” Other terms to look for include “gender change,” “transsexualism,” “gender identity disorder,” and “gender identity dysphoria.”
Finally the page informs users how to file claims of discrimination and/or appeal coverage decisions.