The Zombie Apocalypse

The 4th of July is when we celebrate our freedom from tyranny and whatnots and recognize that we have certain inalienable rights. I’m not sure why people still think that we do after all the ways government over the years have rescinded them.

Our 1st amendment right is on life support and fading fast. Here are a few articles that show what the government is doing and who is behind the many ways they are being censored. If you don’t bother to read them then you will miss how your right to free speech has been violated.

The WHO and the people and governments funding it are on the verge of nullifying national sovereignty and nullifying what is left of our constitution. I don’t think anyone voted for unelected people to decide what we can and cannot do.

The World Health Organization has passed a sweeping censorship treaty

Few organizations have done more to promote the idea that governments should censor disfavored views of COVID policies than the World Health Organization (WHO), which calls health-related dissent and debate an “infodemic.”

Now, a new investigation by Public reveals a coordinated effort by the WHO to use future medical crises as an excuse for sweeping censorship. Instead of trying to rebuild public trust after COVID-19, the WHO is attempting to enshrine some of the worst abuses of state power from the last three years.

On Censorship: to stop building our own cage we must first learn how it works

A celebration of our trampled constitutional right of free speech.

Happy 4th of July! On this day let us celebrate the rights and freedoms that most of the society are either actively trying to give up, or take away from others, or helping the above 2 categories by saying nothing and looking the other way, and/or trading with various parties in this process for financial gain, status or privilege.

C.J. Hopkins has been charged in Germany with 'disseminating propaganda'.

The Criminalization of Dissent (Revisited)

Greetings from Thoughtcriminal 231Js1736/23!

That’s my official Thoughtcrime Case Number, which my attorney needs to reference in all our official correspondence with the New Normal Thoughtpolice. I think I’m going to silk-screen it on a T-shirt and wear it on my first day in Moabit Criminal Court, “the largest criminal court in Europe with 340 judges and 360 prosecutors.”

That’s right, the Berlin State Prosecutor’s office is pursuing its criminal investigation of me for allegedly “disseminating propaganda, the content of which is intended to further the aims of a former National Socialist organization,” which according to Germany’s Grundgesetz could send me to prison for up to three years.

My attorney wrote to them and politely explained how ridiculous their investigation is and why they should summarily drop the charges, but New Normal Germany has a zero-tolerance policy when it comes to Thoughtcrime, especially Thoughtcrime involving any kind of Covid-denying propaganda.

The “propaganda” in question is these two Tweets.

This looks like a sleeper bill.

The Australian government may legally disappear and inject you using force and your family will be silenced.

Implications for citizens of a new 'digital misinformation' bill.

The message consists of three legal documents: two in place concerned with ‘health’ (current and active, passed at the state level in Western Australia with an amendment) and one at the federal level concerned with ‘digital misinformation’ (not yet passed). The government is exempt from the misinformation rules.

Remember that the vast majority of the legal challenges to covid mandates in Australia have failed because under the state of emergency they were legal. In other words, when the government declares an emergency, everything they do is ‘legal.’

In this article I link the two legal frameworks: health and censorship. We know that the covid slaughter could not have occurred without censorship. We also know that the government was the main purveyor of misinformation during covid. For example: ‘the vaccine stops transmission. The vaccine stops death. You only need two jabs. Now three. Now four. Now an annual booster. Now we don’t know. There is no early treatment. The virus came from a wet market. There are no biolabs. Gain-of-function research does not exist.’ And on and on.

Censorship always leads to death.

Here, in this proposed federal ‘digital misinformation’ bill, the Australian government is again inverting reality saying that ‘misinformation’ leads to death and in response, they propose censorship.

There are substantial fines and implications for digital service providers including Substack, but my focus here is on how the bills affect the people. Make no mistake however, if this bill passes, and social media platforms agree to the terms and conditions within, all social media in Australia will become state-run due to the threat of fines and imprisonment.

Many countries are also creating the same type of bills that Australia has and will put fines on social media sites that don’t comply with their laws.

Well happy 4th of July folks. I find it sad that so many Americans aren’t aware of what has happened to their freedoms and even more sad that for some of those that do know don’t have any problems with the massive censorship regimes that have been created, but want even more censorship for what they think is misinformation, disinformation and malinformation. Gotta admit that I did not see that coming!

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Guess again.

Governor Hochul Files Appeal in Quarantine Camp Lawsuit

The case, Borrello v. Hochul, which we won last July, was brought against the Governor and her Department of Health, on behalf of a group of NYS Legislators, Senator George Borrello, Assemblyman Chris Tague, Assemblyman (now Congressman) Mike Lawler, together with our citizens’ group, Uniting NYS.

The main premise of the case was breach of Separation of Powers – meaning the Governor and her Department of Health did not have the authority to make their dystopian “Isolation and Quarantine Procedures” regulation.

The Regulation:

For anyone unfamiliar with this regulation, it allowed the Department of Health to pick and choose which New Yorkers they could lock up or lock down, with no proof that you were ever even exposed to, let alone actually sick with, a communicable disease. They could have locked you down in your home, or they could have removed you from your home and forced you to quarantine in a facility of their choosing.

There was no time restriction, so you could have been quarantined for however long they required – days, weeks, months. There was no age restriction, so they could have done this to you, to your child, to your grandchild, etc. In the true fashion of a totalitarian regime, they could have told you what you could and could not do while in quarantine. They literally could have controlled your every move.

The regulation allowed them to use law enforcement to enforce their orders of isolation or quarantine, which means you could have received a knock at the door from your local police or sheriff telling you that you had to go with them… by order of the Health Department.

Furthermore, the regulation had no procedure by which you could be released from quarantine, no way for you to try to negotiate your way out. And it was not COVID19 specific. There was a laundry list of “communicable diseases” that could have triggered this nightmare loss of freedom – diseases such as Lyme, Toxic Shock Syndrome, COVID19 and so many others.

Remember that habeas corpus is dead in America thanks to Obama.

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“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

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9 users have voted.

“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

good articles.
We may have been "had"...

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981