Yang Vs The Machine---Weekend Wrap-up
This is a quick overview of where the race is now.
لمعلوماتك عن المرشحين الثلاثة الأوائل في سباق رئاسة البلدية. من الواضح أن @AndrewYang أندرو يانغ هو الأفضل لمدينة نيويورك pic.twitter.com/WGbvkXWO9K
— RABYAAH ALTHAIBANI رابعة الذيباني (@rabyaahahmed) May 30, 2021
The topic today is Yang versus the Propaganda Machine. The particular prism for today is, What is Real about who is for Charter Schools and what is Fake?
I will look at Eric Adams, Kathryn Garcia, Andrew Yang and Dianne Morales.
The background is simple. Early on in this race the Media declared that Eric and Andrew were in favor of Charter Schools. The current cap is at 460, but there are only 267 in operation right now. This is because they are Private For Profit monstrosities that are marketed as Public because the kids do not pay tuition. The NYC taxpayers foot the bill and Private Corporations Profit. The Pits. Private Prisons for children.
Then something changed! The big Charter School Companies started funding Anti Yang commercials. Nasty things these were. "Don't punish our kids" type of bs.
What changed was that the polls showed Andrew Yang leading and they knew he could not be counted on to fight for Charter Schools. This is a big point.
This also explains the new enthusiam from the NY Daily News and the NY Times who Both endorsed Kathryn Garcia. Daily News editorial today, " only 2 contenders to expand Charter Schools have been Kathryn Garcia and Ray McGuire." Ray McG is a very weak contender. I will leave it at that.
A curious reporter made Eric Adams Visitors Log from last year public and it revealed that Eric entertained Charter School Lobbyists in his Brooklyn Borough Hall Office in 2020. Ok. So now we understand something. Eric is on Board.
And Andrew? Most recent direct connection was from 2008. I will post that in a bit. (My continued difficulties have caused me to lose entire essays if I post too many things at once.)
Here it is:
"Nonprofit records show Yang and his then-test-prep company donated a total of at least $110,500 to The Equity Project, which was founded on the idea that high-performing teachers should get paid more than administrators, back in 2008. The school’s website also lists Yang as donating $30,315, though his campaign didn’t clarify whether that amount included any portion of his 2008 contribution." That's it. That is all there is of Yang's record in Charter Schools, except that a good friend of his was involved and that friend still owns CS.
Dianne Morales ran as the New Progressive Hope. I researched and found that Dianne had funded started and operated a Charter School in the Bronx which was the lowest rated one and I think, ultimately failed.
Dianne however, did not fail. She is still on the Board of Directors for CS and last year her salary was approximately $300,000. Everything about Dianne is fake. The members of her campaign team walked out. Some of them resigned. The others are marching in front of her headquarters. Their claims are that they weren't paid and that they could not organize. Progressive,my ass. Goodbye to you.
A final tid-bit: During the recent Faux on Zoom debate, All 8 candidates raised their hands for NOT raising the Charter School Cap in NYC. Liars? most of them, for sure.
The more important question came next and the one that answers all remaining questions was "Which of you are for maintaining Mayoral Control of the NYC School System after you become Mayor?"
Only Andrew Yang's hand went up. This is his Declaration of War against Charter Schools and Profit taking off the backs of our childern. A giant topic that I intend to explore on another day.
Final edit done. Please read and enjoy. I hope enjoy.

Charters are designed to siphon funds from public schools
However, public schools need to allow for school design by the teachers,parents, and kids that live there...like a worker coop.
Central Park East is a great example of how alternate design can be effective. But time changes things and staff evolves.
all the best!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Might have been
The Charter Schools MO makes that doubtful because the business model is to do test prep as the main learning.
The thinking is for kids to score high on Citywide tests as a way to measure school's progress and therfore continued fundraising.
This grew really intense under Michael Bloomberg in his 12 year reign as he closed public schools, leaving poor neighborhoods with fewer public schools that were more crowded and even less able to educate their children.
Cuomo enthusiastically supports Charter Schools. Cuomo also supports Private Prisons and Private Immigration Centers and neglect in Public Nursing Homes and anything else that funnels public money into private hands.
Whatever intentions were in 2017, the CS movement has done a lot of damage.
Kathryn Garcia in 2019. OMG
The NY Post revealed this ugliness way back in 2017.
Andrew has been attacking Kathryn pretty hard recently. I understand who has his back.
The entire organized Orthodox Community plus the non-religions anti-poverty agencies like Metropolitan Jewish Council are all on Team Yang. As far as I know, this has never happened before. Representing more or less 100,000 Likely Voters. Meaning those who show up at every election.
It will take a whole lot of tampering to stop this but NYC is up to the challenge. Most corrupt voting process and history I know about. sigh.
On a personal note---I think this is the team member I chatted with at the Yang event Wednesday.
If it is him I declined an interview with him and his brother. I was willing to talk but not recorded and filmed.
thanks for the updates
I still have hope, also
This is being reported on the brand new Rising
now with Ryan Grim and some RW chick. Note bene: before you all get offended, I am calling her a chick because 'chick' is what she behaves like. From what I can see, the lady has no notion of deportment or conduct and no particular intellectual skills are in evidence yet. From where I am standing, the best that can be said for her is that she is marginally less offensive than your typical Fox news babe.
What Grim is reporting is a collusion, or conspiracy in plain sight or something of the kind to take down Stringer by any means possible, this having to do with a battle over unionization at an important construction site. My only personal interest is that statewide office holders usually begin their careers in NYC, so the rest of us in upstate need to be paying attention to who these people are.
About the new Rising, I like Grim, I was no particular fan of Ball, but she did seem to me to be at least minimally competent. The RW lady is, IMO, une jeune fille mal elevee.
Mary Bennett